April 25th and May 1st in Cervia and Milano Marittima

7 offers available
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    Hotel Buratti

    International Kite Festival

    19/04 - 04/05/2025

    Don't miss the ARTEVENTO FESTIVAL 2025!
    Bed and Breakfast from € 80,00 per person per day

    Hotel Riviera

    Offers 1St May

    30/04 - 05/05/2025

    If you want to treat yourself to a truly special spring holiday, the May 1st long weekend in Romagna
    Bed and Breakfast from € 75,00 per person per day

    Hotel Levante

    Special Long Weekend Of April 25Th And May 1St

    24/04 - 05/05/2025

    Come and visit us and we will give you free entry to Mirabilandi or Zoo Safari!!
    Bed and Breakfast from € 55,00 per person per day

    Hotel Riviera

    Long Weekend Of April 25Th

    25/04 - 28/04/2025

    Do you already want a preview of summer? Then let yourself be tempted by the opportunity for the break on April 25th in Milano Marittima
    Bed and Breakfast from € 75,00 per person per day

    Hotel Franca

    Spring Long Weekend Special

    18/04 - 04/05/2025

    Come and enjoy the Spring Long Weekend in Milano Marittima, treat yourself to a few days of relaxation!
    -6% sconto

    Hotel Buratti

    Early Book Offer - Sumer 2025

    18/04 - 14/09/2025

    Are you already dreaming of next summer? Booking your holiday in advance pays off!
    -5% sconto

    Caricamento in Corso...